Help your child — and your whole family — eat healthy and stay physically active. The healthy habits your child learns now can last a lifetime.
Two of the best ways to help your child stay at a healthy weight are to:
It’s also important that your child builds other healthy habits — like getting enough sleep and limiting screen time — to support their overall health and help them stay at a healthy weight.
Parents and caregivers are often the most important role models for children. When you choose to eat healthy and be physically active, your child will be more likely to make those choices, too.
Plus, being active and preparing healthy meals together are great ways to spend quality time with your family.
Learn more about how you can help your children build healthy routines.
These kid-friendly websites can help you and your child learn about healthy habits.
Growing up at a weight that’s right for your child can help them stay healthy through adulthood. People at higher weights may have conditions called overweight or obesity. This means that the body has too much body fat. Having overweight or obesity in childhood or adolescence can raise your child’s risk for serious health problems, like:
Having overweight or obesity as a child is also linked to:
Learn more about health problems and childhood obesity.
Keep in mind that higher weight during childhood raises the risk of higher weight as an adolescent and young adult. In other words, many kids don’t “grow out of” having excess weight.
Today, about 7 in 10 adults — and about 4 in 10 children and teens — have overweight or obesity.
Because children grow at different rates as they age, it’s not always easy to tell if they’re at a healthy weight. The best way to find out if your child is at a healthy weight is to work with their doctor.
For children ages 2 years and older, body mass index (BMI) is one way doctors can learn if your child is at a healthy weight for their age, sex, and height. Measuring BMI can help the doctor know if your child is underweight, at a healthy weight, or if they have overweight or obesity. Your child’s doctor will also consider other factors, like your child’s family history and physical exam.
You can also use this BMI calculator for children and teens if you know your child’s height and weight.
There are many factors that can lead to a child having overweight or obesity — including their eating and physical activity habits, stress, anxiety, other health problems, and genes. A child’s environment — where they live, learn, and play — also has a big impact.
If your child’s doctor is concerned about their weight, there are steps you can take as a family to help them get to a healthier weight. Your family can:
Making healthy life changes can be hard. To get support, look for programs (called family healthy weight programs) that help families build healthy habits. Ask your child’s doctor if they can recommend a program, or look for resources in your community through programs like WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children), SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), or recreation centers.
You can also check out these resources to learn how to cut down on foods with:
Some children might need other treatments to help manage their weight. For example, medicines or surgery might be an option for older children or teens. Ask your child’s doctor what they recommend for your child.
Ask your child’s doctor or nurse about your child’s growth and health. BMI is one way doctors can learn if your child is at a healthy weight for their age, sex, and height, but they’ll also consider factors like family history and do a physical exam.
You can use this BMI calculator for children and teens if you know your child’s height and weight.
If the doctor finds that your child is underweight, they can talk with you about making changes to help your child is get to a healthy weight.
If your child has overweight or obesity, ask the doctor or nurse for advice. One of the best ways to manage your child’s weight is to make healthy changes as a family. Treatment can also include medicines and working with a dietitian (a person who is an expert in healthy eating) or other doctors that treat weight problems.
Learn more about treatment options for overweight and obesity.
Under the Affordable Care Act, insurance plans must cover screening for obesity and counseling for family healthy weight programs for kids. Depending on your insurance plan, you may be able to get these services at no cost to you. Check with your insurance company to find out more.
Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) may also cover obesity screening and counseling for your child at no cost. Learn about coverage options for your family.
If you don't have insurance, you may still be able to get free or low-cost obesity screening and treatment for your child. Find a health center near you and ask about obesity-related services for kids.
To learn more, check out these resources:
Fun and simple activities, like playing tag, are great ways for kids to get moving. And it doesn’t have to be 60 minutes all at once — it can be shorter activities that add up to 60 minutes (1 hour) a day.
Be sure your child is doing different types of activity, including:
Find out more about physical activity for kids.
To help the whole family get more physical activity, you can:
Check out these resources for more ideas:
Spending time in front of screens, like TVs, tablets, or smartphones, often means that your child isn’t moving around or getting physically active. You can help your child build healthy habits for using screens. For example, you can:
Buy and serve more vegetables, fruits, whole-grain foods, fat-free or low-fat dairy, and a variety of protein foods. Be sure to offer a variety of healthy foods from different food groups at each meal.
Here are some tips and ideas for healthy eating as a family:
Use these resources to:
You can be a role model for your child by eating healthy yourself. Plus, a healthy diet can help protect you from heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer. Get more tips for eating healthy.
There are programs that can help you pay for healthy food for your family. Ask your child’s doctor about:
Enjoy the healthy meals you plan and cook together as a family. When families eat together, children eat more vegetables and fruits and fewer foods with added sugars. Let your child help get ready for dinner time by setting the table.
Getting enough sleep, helps kids stay at a healthy weight. Make sure you know how much sleep your child needs :
Set a bedtime schedule and remind your child when it’s time to get ready for bed. Creating a calming bedtime routine that includes activities like reading a book or taking a warm bath can help. Consider keeping electronic devices — like TVs, tablets, and smart phones — out of the bedroom and stopping screen time at least 1 hour before bedtime. Get more tips on healthy sleep habits.